Events LaunchBio is the only monthly event for startups in NC bigger than NEWilm – April 16 By Jim Roberts - April 10, 2020 1079 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp While they are a national org with Durham office, they are hosting an important webinar April 16 RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR JOBS, JOBS, JOBS – Companies looking to hire YOU – Nice virtual event by NC Tech Association on Wednesday An introduction to the leader of the brand new Angel Investor network in Greenville NC on the 3 Sips of Advice video podcast 3 Sips of Advice video podcast w entrepreneur Jamie Mottram as his biz pivoted from live sports moments swag to …. New episode of 3 Sips of Advice video podcast with RTP Capital President Mark Friedman Wilmington startup OpiAid presents May 4 at South’s largest investor event